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My dog Baier, he turned one year old on Friday. |
I'm going to vent and share a little. Something's gotta give.
Lately life has been a little out of sync over here. My daily routine has been replaced by large spans of time fueling anxiety about my law school exams next week and experiencing the repercussions of said anxiety.
I mean, I've been doing everything BUT studying: online shopping, organizing my home, talking to my dog for no reason, randomly walking around my house staring at things ...
Yeah, I've been weirder than normal.
For those who don't know, I'm a stress ball of a law student that constantly drowns in supreme court opinions. blah, blah blah.
Basically, only my classmates and my main squeeze see me in law mode. I essentially operate under the assumption that most of my friends I hang with socially don't think I know how to read.
That's because when I have free time, the LAST thing I want to do is act like a serious pants law geek.
And when I see that beautiful beacon called summertime out there in the horizon, my friends, my psychology lapses into cabana "if I move my chair this way I will get more sun" mode.
Anyway, I thought I'd share a few things with y'all that you might actually care about. (end life venting). I mentioned in the previous post that I've been watching a TON of makeup tutorials on YouTube.
Well, Jaclyn Hill has inspired a few product purchases (actually, let's be honest, more than a few). Like, I'm flirting with my limit on my Nordstrom card kind of inspiration, y'all.
I've been trying them out for the past week or so and there are a few gems I'd like to share with y'all.
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photo: nordstrom.com
Jaclyn recommended Mario Badescu products on her tutorials and this one in particular came HIGHLY recommended. It's called a lotion, but in actuality it's more like a toner and feels sort of like a mild astringent. It's wonderful. If you have dry or combination/sensitive skin this is great to balance your skin. The most glorious thing about it is the feeling you get when you use it - the cleanest clean fresh feeling ever. This stuff goes deep into the pores, cleaning all those nasties from the atmosphere that trap oil and bacteria and cause breakouts.
Downside: No downside. This stuff rocks. It's cheap, too. $15. That's seriously inexpensive as far as designer or department store type skincare goes.
Use: Use with a cotton pad from the drugstore. Put a little on after cleansing and swipe all over the face.
Mario Badescu: I've loved Boscia skincare longtime. I can see myself loving Mario Badescu longtime, too. I've bought other products, haven't used them long enough to judge yet.
Nyx Cosmetics Butter Gloss |
photo: beautybroadcast.net
These were another makeup recommendation Jaclyn made. I really have grown to trust her opinion because it's an expert one. She has extensive crazy experience with all sorts of product so she knows what's up. (I'm doing a MAC post in the future because of her recs)
Anyway, she suggested trying these Nyx butter glosses. They are available at Ulta ... and OMG they are awesome. I bought the color eclair which I absolutely adore. Can't get enough. These aren't sticky, they truly feel like butter and the pigment is beautiful and rich considering these puppies are only $4-5!! Yes, you read that correctly. #newfavegloss
Downside: No downside. If you like red gloss, I don't think there is a true red but other than that, no downside. They are awesome sauce.
Beauty Blender |
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photo: wholesome sweeteners
Alright, if you think that going to the food aisle is freaking weird to buy skincare products, please raise your hand.
*Brooke raises her hand and looks around*
Home remedies for skincare are things I've always been weary of. I've done like olive oil and avocado hair masks but that's about it. I always sort of default into my normal product routine in due time.
(enter Jaclyn Hill, gorgeous beauty guru extraordinaire)
The main product in most exfoliants (um you spend tons of moolah on these guys) is ... you're never going to guess ... sugar. It's basically sugar granulated to not harm the face.
So why not spend $2.00 at Kroger and buy sugar that is in a raw form that is perfect to mix with water or honey (or argan oil) and use as an exfoliant?
Fresh Brown Sugar Scrub is $40 or $65 depending on size. IT HAS SUGAR IN THE NAME! Don't do it to your credit card. Walk your fancy little self over to the organic section, pick this stuff up and go home feeling economical.
Downside: No downside to speak of. I do this 3x a week and it is seriously the best exfoliator ever. My skin is fab-u-lous after I use this.
So, there you have it. A life rant and a few product raves. A little good to go with my frustration.
Thanks for bearing with me!
Also, new SUPER exciting things to come to the blog, so stay tuned, or online, or whatever.
Big, big thank you to Jaclyn Hill for sharing your brilliance for free. Subscribe to her on YouTube. Just do it, y'all.
Cheers darlings,
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